I design fluid human

computer interactions.

I design fluid human

computer interactions.

I design fluid human

computer interactions.

I design fluid human

computer interactions.


Things I've learned from working on various projects over the past few years.

UX Designer

Muse Case

Helped in creating and improving various digital products & websites. Focused on creating visual appealing and easy to use interfaces, prototyping complex prototypes and focussing on a close exchange with management and developement.

Currently improving the configuration experience for a luxury car brand and working on a new digital representation for a client.

UX Design Intern

IBM Design Studios

Worked as an intern and as a working student on the user experience for different cloud products together with other great designers.

Helped improving the Watson Knowledge Catalog, assisted in developing a new concept and design. Communicated insights to stakeholders.

Developed a new concept and design to improve the the Match360 experience, lead user testings and communicated to stakeholders.

Working Student


Worked as a working student on the User Experience and a prototype for a mobile app for a charitable project.

B.A. Interactiondesign

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

Learned how to develop concepts, do user research, interviews and how to translate findings and concepts into fleshed out designs and prototypes. Getting basic knowledge in Javascript and C# to protoype more interactive experiences.

Developed my strength in UX and visual design and how to be a team player.


What I am passionate about

I've been passionate about UX Design for a while now. I enjoy diving into new topics to understand problems, iterate on possible solutions and coming up with a meaningful and holistic concept. On the other hand, I can't deny that I really love the visual side of design but thrive on the whole design process.

Having worked in different companies on bigger or smaller projects and having completed my studies in Interactiondesign I am experienced in creating meanigful concepts, communicating design desicions to other parties and translating designs into interactive prototypes.


Disciplines I am good at

and the tools I use to create great work

UX/UI Design

Graphic Design

Motion & 3D

I use Figma in my everyday work to design and develop first prototypes. Figjam is mostly used to create rough wireframes and concepts. For Presentations or User testings Protopie comes in very handy to visualize more complex prototypes that can be much closer to the actual outcome. Framer helps me in creating websites really fast and really easy.








Disciplines I am good at and the tools I use to create great work

UX/UI Design

Graphic Design

Motion & 3D

I use Figma in my everyday work to design and first prototypes. Figjam to create rough wireframes and concepts. For Presentations or User testings, Protopie and its comes in very hand to create more complex prototypes that can be much closer to the actual outcome. Framer helps me in createing websites really fast and really easy.


Design & Prototyping




Prototyping & Webdesign


Disciplines I am good at

and the tools I use to create great work

UX/UI Design

Graphic Design

Motion & 3D

I use Figma in my everyday work to design and develop first prototypes. Figjam is mostly used to create rough wireframes and concepts. For Presentations or User testings Protopie comes in very handy to visualize more complex prototypes that can be much closer to the actual outcome. Framer helps me in creating websites really fast and really easy.







